How to manage the energy consumption of your buildings?

In recent years, the optimization of energy performance has become a priority in the building sector. However, many people do not know how to effectively reduce electricity consumption. What are the steps to be taken so that a building is no longer a thermal sieve? These are the answers in these few lines.

Regularly monitor consumption

In order to be able to properly manage the energy consumption of one's real estate assets, one needs to know the electricity expenditure of the building in question. For this purpose, it is necessary to record the consumption data of all the appliances used in the building in question, be it heating appliances, electrical appliances of all kinds or the entire lighting system. To obtain accurate results, it is best to entrust the task to professionals in the field. Most energy suppliers offer to do the energy monitoring of your building for you.

Carrying out insulation work

After a follow-up over a given period of time, followed by an in-depth analysis, experts such as those at will give you a few tips to help you improve the building's energy efficiency. In the majority of cases, it is generally requested to carry out renovation work on the insulation in order to reduce energy consumption. Indeed, the greater the amount of waste heat, the higher the heating costs. Knowing that most of the heat escapes through the roof, it is therefore necessary to start by properly insulating the attic of the building. After this step, the insulation of doors and windows is reinforced. Finally, the floor insulation is insulated, usually reducing heat loss by up to 10%.

Daily actions to be taken to reduce consumption

In addition to the technical management of the building, the occupants themselves can also make a significant contribution to improving energy performance. A few good initiatives can be taken to achieve this, starting with effective indoor lighting management. Instead of always leaving light bulbs on, everyone should think about switching them off at the first opportunity, i.e. when natural light is available to light up the room. Speaking of light bulbs, the use of low-energy models is recommended to further reduce energy costs. Building occupants should also consider, if they can afford it, replacing appliances that consume too much energy with newer models. These are modern Class A appliances, which are designed to use less electricity. And of course, turning off electrical appliances completely instead of leaving them on standby will save a few watts every day.
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