The first idea of home automation was to give more comfort to the occupants of a house. But over time, it has also become a way to reduce energy expenses, whether for electricity, water or even gas. In terms of efficiency, installing a home automation system in a building has a rather considerable impact on energy savings and on the bottom line. So what can these impacts be? And is this encouraging?

Reducing bills with an efficient regulation system

Installing home automation in your home goes far beyond luxury and comfort. It allows the occupant of a house to keep a meticulous track of his energy consumption, thanks to the record-breaking precision thermostat with which the system is equipped. The thermostats of Rothelec's electric radiators, for example, make it possible to heat the house more intelligently by recording the ideal temperature according to a person's behaviour. But also, the thermostat control system allows the electrical appliances to spend only the useful energy according to the season, for heating, or the nature of the meal, for the microwave oven. This reduces a household's monthly bills by up to 30%.

Manageable energy consumption at all times

It is often difficult to determine the energy consumption of your appliances. This leads to an imminent increase in spending. But thanks to home automation and these innovative systems, such as wireless thermostats, it is now feasible to remotely manage and regulate the start-up and energy consumption of these appliances. To do this, all that is required is to configure an optimal connection between all the devices in question. In this way, it is possible to ensure that machines that consume more energy do not rise above an already prescribed limit.

Saving energy with home automation

In reality, a smart house, i.e. a home automation system, consumes much less energy than conventional houses. The management of energy sources is, in fact, easier in a home where all appliances are connected. More precisely, since electrical appliances communicate with each other and are managed by the same control system, a gesture picked up by one of them could automatically switch off the remaining ones. This is the case of the alarm that is activated when the guest leaves the house; and therefore turns off all the other appliances, including the lamps. This limits waste and saves money thanks to home automation.
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