Your radiators are now obsolete, and you are looking for the best solution to replace them? First of all, it is the environment and your lifestyle that will determine the solution that best suits your needs. Generally speaking, we consider that the temperature in the middle of winter should be 19-20 degrees to feel comfortable. Provided, of course, that the temperature remains stable. It is important to point out that beforehand a visual on your insulation is indispensable, such as the roof or the performance of the windows. Often the insulation work is sufficient to improve the thermal comfort.

Radiators in more detail

Electric radiators have evolved a lot in recent years, they have nothing to do with the first generation convectors which were rather energy consuming. Today we will focus on some types of radiators: radiant panels and soft-heat radiators. In rooms that are not very busy, the radiant panel is best suited. Indeed it allows to produce a homogeneous heat very quickly the room thanks to infrared sensors. To help you visualize, you can very well install some in a corridor at the entrance. The radiant panel will heat all the objects around it, which will then release the stored heat into the ambient air. In summary : - The sensation is more pleasant than with a convector heater - Gentle, even heat - A rapid rise in temperature - Aesthetic devices Rooms where people spend the most time must be heated over time, which is why soft heat radiators are best suited to provide a constant temperature without drying out the air. For example, inertia radiators work in two different ways: - Either by fluid, which is in fact an oil heated by an electric resistance, allowing once hot, to restore the heat. - Or by heating core, which also produces heat over a long period of time. The heat is therefore stored and gradually released from floor to ceiling. The heat is radiated by all the heating elements and the radiators remain permanently warm. - Heat comparable to central heating, gentle, homogeneous and above all constant thanks to the regulation. - Adding a thermostat you can save up to 25% of energy. You can add heat to the exact degrees. Advantage with the thermostat, when it switches off the inertia radiator remains warm thanks to its inertia, which keeps a progressive heat. What also characterizes these new generation radiators is the possibility to combine them with digital technologies, such as presence detection, open window and they can also be remotely controlled. The radiators therefore adapt to the rhythm of the house. In other words, the days of the old convectors are over, with the soft heat radiators we now have soft and homogeneous heat in the right place and according to our rhythm of life.
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